Book from the Ground: Lost in Translation.

Translating this chapter was not very hard. There were a couple of emojis that I did not understand though. It was not frustrating at all. But the emojis in the book were tiny and I had to lift it up to my face a couple of times to see if looking closer would give me a better chance of understanding what it was.

Comparing the Translations.


His translation used more colorful language and described the different events with an exaggerated air to it. He also gave the main character a name, while I used the he pronoun. He also called the characters different things. While I called the CEO a boss, he called him a CEO.


We seemed to have gotten the same meaning out of the chapter and our events were described in the same way. The set up of our translations was the same too. We created paragraphs when we though that they were needed. Our events did not really differ, while in some places he did interpret them differently.

This encompasses the idea of Literature by Numbers by using a different form of writing to get the story across. He used emojis as his way of giving us a story. Not everyone will interpret them in different ways.

My translation:
He needs to go to the bathroom as he is heading up the stairs, he is still thinking about it as he heads into the conference room. 
His stomach is not feeling very good and makes a rumbling sound as he looks out at the audience. He feels nervous and his heart starts beating really fast. He plugs his laptop in and starts the projector to show his slides. 
The projector loads for a couple of minutes and then turns on. 
He introduces himself to his audience and wishes he had a podium, as he stands by the screen facing the audience. 
His mind goes back to needing to go to the bathroom as he speaks into the microphone. The audience responds by saying hello! back to him. 
He is happy that they said hello back to him, but when he tries using the microphone, it doesn’t work. He tries again and it still doesn’t work. He thinks why is there no sound to say hello and gets frustrated with it. He then gets nervous as he looks out to the audience and his boss. His boss gives him a megaphone, but he is nervous to use the megaphone. 
He talks about how using an electric car would lessen the ozone layer that is currently accumulating over the earth from cars that use gas. But even using five electronic cars creates less emissions than using a car that runs on gas. The cars are built the same. But by using two gas cars is still greater than even using one electronic car. The electronic cars do come in multiple colors as well. 
He remembers that he has to go to the bathroom and that his stomach is upset. He says the first thing is that you’ll save money on these cars! The audience starts to whisper to each other, using swear words. He is reminded that his stomach is upset and that he needs to go to the bathroom as he looks out at the audience. 
He’s scared as his eyes land on his boss and his heart starts beating fast again. But as he looks at his boss, his boss’s face goes from an unreadable face to a somewhat pleased face to an extremely happy face. The audience claps for a minute and his uneasiness turns into happiness. 
His boss, who is happy with his work, congratulates him and tells him he did an excellent job. Then his boss gives him a water and he thinks about how much he needs to go to the bathroom. It has become really urgent. 
The man collects his things and leaves without accepting the water from his boss, leaving the boss in confusion as the man walks past him. 
As he thinks about how badly he needs to go he starts to run, he slips and falls. For a minute he is angry as he sees the hazard sign, saying that the floor is wet. He starts running again finally making it to the bathroom. But he sees that there is a huge line for both the women’s and men’s bathroom and he is the fifth man in line for it. As he stands in line he starts thinking about how painful standing in line is to his kidneys and that his boss offered him water, his bladder is sending pins and needles up his body and he thinks about how he can’t wait to pee. But then his guts start to act up and he thinks he may need to poop as well, but if he does it’ll stink and hurt. Finally he is the first person in line and he goes into the bathroom. He is finally able to relieve himself, but it takes half an hour and he starts to worry and is thinking about just going home to poop. So he leaves the bathroom, but has to rush back. When he gets back to the bathroom, he sees that there is only a urinal and urinals are only used for pee. He’s shocked.

His translation:

Sam is dying to pee, but an important business meeting awaits him upstairs. So he runs to the room and painfully greets everybody on the table, heart beating fast. Sam quickly plugs the usb into his laptop and starts the projector.

It takes an eternity to fire up the projector, when it finally does, a sense of triumph encourages him to start the presentation.

But the biological need for peeing still haunts him. There is a microphone on the table, which he tries to utilize. But it does not work, no matter how hard he tries. Suddenly, the CEO of his company, who sits in the middle of the room, beings speaking to Sam directly about clean energy. Sam is having a thought of the benefits of electric car. An impulse goes under his crouch. Then he starts talking about the profit of traditional energy plan that would bring to the company. His superior sink into discussion and debate. Another impulse goes under his belly.
Sam nervously looks at the CEO, who in return starts smiling at him. People in the room begins clapping and cheering at Sam, who nervously smiles. The CEO praises him relentlessly and offers him a drink. Sam desperately runs out of the room, leaving the CEO utterly confused.

He sprints across the hallway. Suddenly, he trips and slams on the ground, Sam sees a sign saying slippery ground in front of him. But that does not stop him from continuing rushing to the bathroom.

To his surprise, there is already a huge line in front of him. Sam can not stop thinking about the stuff that led up to this point. Finally, it is turn for the person right in front of him, which cheers him up a little bit. But it seemingly takes forever for that person to get out of the room. Sam begins to worry that the person is taking a blown-pooping.

At last, the person gets out of room, and Sam does not waste a second. There is finally a peace under his belly

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